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Bicycle Safety on the Treasure Coast

The weather is beautiful here in south Florida, and more and more people are biking for exercise or pleasure.  I recently purchased a bicycle and enjoy riding it every evening after work.  Although biking is a great way to exercise and relax after a long day at work, bicyclists are the most vulnerable people on the road.

Bicyclists should not ride more than two abreast except on paths or parts of roadways set aside for the use of bicycles. If riding two abreast, you can not impede traffic.

Bicyclists must be predictable, highly visible, and prepared. You should always wear bright clothing and a helmet.  Riding with other friends will actually increase your visibility. Inspect your bike before any trip.  Make sure the tires are inflated properly, and every bicycle must be equipped with a brake or brakes which allow the rider to stop within 25 feet from a speed of 10 miles per hour on dry, level, and clean pavement. Take plenty of water with you, always take your cell phone, and carry proper identification.  A bicyclist may not wear a headset, headphone, or other listening devices other than a hearing aid when riding. A bicyclist must use a fixed, regular seat for riding, and no bicycle may be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed or equipped.

As a motorist, you must respect the rights of bicyclists. Be a safe and courteous driver: always allow three feet of passing space between the right side of your vehicle and a bicyclist; before opening your car door, look for bicyclists who may be approaching; reduce your speed when passing bicyclists; and finally, give bicyclists adequate space to maneuver.

As the warm weather continues, we will see more bicyclists out enjoying the roads.  Please, follow these safety rules and others you may find at, so everyone can safely enjoy the road. However, if you have been injured in any type of vehicle accident, contact our personal injury law firm in Port St. Lucie immediately for a free discussion about your potential case.

Toll Free: 1-866-460-1990;  After Hours:  1-772-359-0342