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Hoskins Turco Lloyd & Lloyd Helps the Marines & Toys for Tots

Our firm is proud to partner with the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program by utilizing our four offices throughout the Treasure Coast and Lake Okeechobee areas as collection centers for toys. Marine Staff Sergeant Nate Wells, the local coordinator for Toys for Tots, and his staff of volunteers take the new, unwrapped toys we collect during October, November, and December and distribute them as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children within our community.

The original Toys for Tots Program began in Los Angeles in 1948, and Walt Disney designed the signature three-car train which serves as the familiar red and white logo for the program.  Since that time, the Marine Corp and a host of volunteers have made sure that over 200 million children receive a new toy at Christmas.  Nate Wells has been working with Toys for Tots for many years, and our law firm is honored to join him in delivering toys and a message of hope to the less fortunate children within our community.

Toys for Tots is always in need of gifts for boys and girls under the age of three years and between the ages of 11 and 14 years.  If you would like to assist with this worthwhile project, you may drop off new and unwrapped toys at any of our offices located in Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, Vero Beach, and Okeechobee.

Our law firm would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.